wrt54g v7 firmware tv: Can WRT54G V-7 work with OpenWrt,PDF WRT54G user guide - Linksys,Linksys WRT54G, WRT54GL and WRT54GS - OpenWrt,DD-WRT :: View topic - wrt54g ver 7 - which firmware?,
If you are installing OpenWrt for the first time, the easiest way is to use the Linksys web GUI. Instructions: Download the openwrt-wrt54g-squashfs.bin firmware image from the brcm-2.4 folder to your PC. You can find that image at: http://downloads.openwrt.org/backfire/10.03.1/brcm-2.4/.
How to upgrade firmware. If dd-wrt is already loaded on the router, simply upgrade through the GUI. How to revert. 1. Reset to defaults. 2. goto the Admin screen firmware upgrade, and browse to VxWorksRevert-Gv72-v3.bin, and click upgrade.
Use the Firmware upgrade option under the Administration tab to flash vxworkskillerGSv7-v3.bin. After the dialogue about disconnecting the power cord is shown, disconnect the power cord and reconnect it.
New replies are no longer allowed. I tried flashing my router Model - WRT54G version - 7 with Openwrt but wouldn't see the firmaware, please can anyone help out with the right information.